How do I know what the discount codes are for those companies who support Army Cycling?
We do not publicly list any discount codes provided by our generous supporters. Discount codes are emailed to your addresses provided when you joined the ACU or ACRT via the BC website. If you membership has lapsed you will not receive these.
What is the Membership period?
The membership runs from 1 April until 31 March each year. This is for ease of managing our financial aspects of the club.
Does the ACU provide membership cards?
The ACU or the ACRT do not provide any membership cards.
How do I buy club strip?
The ACU has an online shop where current members can purchase the club strip (red/black). We advertise the opening periods on the club Facebook page and all current members also receive an email from our British Cycling powered club email system. Kit purchased will be shipped directly to you.
How do I apply to join one of the race teams?
The process for joining one of the eight race teams within Army Cycling is discipline specific.
What is the difference between the ACU and the ACRT?
The ACU is the club part of Army Cycling, whereas the ACRT (Army Cycling Race Team) is for those personnel selected to ride for the Army in their respective discipline team. The ACRT was created to meet a specific requirement for our race teams. If you are selected to ride for an Army team you will directed to join the ACRT and still pay our standard membership fee.
I have noticed that you have sponsors and supporters. What are the differences?
Army Cycling is bound by the rules laid down by the Army Sports Control Board on how a sponsor or supporter is defined.
- Sponsor. A sponsor is an organisation, business, charity, etc that elects to provide direct financial support to our sport.
- Supporter. A supporter is a business or organisation that elects to provides its products at a discounted price to our membership only. These are often managed by use of specific codes for use when shopping online and to protect our supporters from illegal use of these codes they are not publicly displayed. As a British Cycling affiliated club we make use of their systems to send information to current members only.
Should you be interested in sponsoring or supporting Army Cycling please make contact with the club using the Contact page. We will respond accordingly.
Please note that only our sponsors and supporters are entitled to have their logos and information published.
Who do I contact if I wish to request to add information on to the website?
If you have information such as pictures, stories, etc please use the ‘Contact’ page. Your request will be sent to the correct person and we will aim to respond as fast as possible.
Does the ACU have a set of Club rules?
Yes we do. We are mandated to have a set of club rules and we expect all of our members to adhere to them. A PDF copy can be seen below and opened at your leisure for printing or downloading.